Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The morning after pill......

Barack Obama is now our 44th President of the United States.

It is the morning after one of the most contested and publicized presidential races in our country's history.

In retrospect, who knew that this junior senator from Illinois could upset Hillary Clinton and John McCain, two of the political scene's most solid pillars?

When we review the campaign, we see two distinct problems for John McCain. He did not hold the media's attention as did Barack Obama. As mentioned before, McCain did seize initiative with the introduction of Sarah Palin, but that sputtered out and left him only his attack ads. Secondly, John McCain did little to attempt to appeal to the younger voters. McCain's age and poor relations with the younger generations was perceived to be a problem and high voter turnout was expected, but McCain did little to appeal to them, trusting to his perceived strengths to carry him through. This was born out by a 66 to 32 Obama win in the 18-29 age group.

Barack Obama did an extremely good job of responding to those attack ads and did not rely on counterattack to gain the voter's trust. He utilized his media advantage to call attention to his counterpoints. He used his charisma to appeal to younger voters and called upon his constituents to vote.

I voted for John McCain, because I felt he was more qualified to lead this country. I was apprehensive about many of the policies that Barack Obama plans on implementing. However, Barack Obama is now the president of the United States. Many people have the line of thinking that because a Democrat has been elected president, our country will be ruined.

My position is, until that happens, we should stand behind this president. The race is over--Obama won. I pray that he will bring positive change to this country. Because of Barack's political stances and my own beliefs, I believe that under McCain we would have a better chance of that, but we will see what we see.

If you aren't willing to do that--to give the man a chance--you need to move.